Tuesday 1 March 2011

Outback Colour Palette


The Move

Ok so here goes! My man has picked up and moved us to the tiny town without traffic control, yep not one traffic light just a handful of stop signs. So i have left my shopping centres, restaurants, and mobile phone coverage, for the quite tranquillity of the outback bush. Snakes spiders, horses, bush ticks and grass. 

The kids have settled well my eldest (12) is slightly suffering from lack of retail therapy, and the youngest is in pig heaven. So I have left behind my small business and friends for a new and adventurous life in the bush.I hope to paint and photograph my time away as I learn to be quite with myself. Thank you to Pugly Pixel for the Lemon Meringue template. I hope I have done it justice. I plan to grow and learn with it.(the template that is!)
